A recent report by the Council of Research Excellence revealed an alarming statistic: Adults are exposed to screens - TV's, computers, cellphones, etc. - for about 8.5 hours on any given day. It goes on to say that TV is the dominant medium.
Ball State did a study that found the average American adult was exposed to five hours and nine minutes of live TV each day.
Do the math. That is 1879 hours a year or over 46 (forty hour) work weeks per year!
Imagine the impact in a lifetime if you would invest that time into your relationship with your spouse, spending quality time with your kids, reviewing and planning your finances, investing time and energy into your career, working out.
How much more could you get out of life if you made a better investment choice of your time?
You may be thinking, I don't watch 5 hours a of TV a day! I challenge you to track it for a week. Add up the hours, multiply it out over a year and determine if there is a priority change that could lead you down a more prosperous path.