“Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character.” – Steven Covey
The Successful Habits Formula
1. Clearly Identify Your Bad or Unproductive Habits
Make a list of them, everything from watching too much TV to sleeping too much to not working out. Write beside it the long term implications of that habit, be honest with yourself.
2. Define Your New Successful Habit
This is usually the opposite of the bad habit. Read instead of watching TV or getting up early to work out instead of sleeping in and not working out. Most importantly, write a vivid description of the benefits of the action.
3. Create a Three Part Action Plan
What are things you could do that would implement the new habit. Using the working out example: get a gym membership, develop a workout routine and schedule, get a friend to meet you at the gym as an accountability partner. Make sure you are being accountable to someone. I have found this to be key.