A friend of mine owns a coaching company, Sensible Coaching, focused on helping people with money. Her unique talent is helping people and their relationship with money.
“We assign meaning and significance to money that is purely arbitrary. We act as if money has will and volition on its own. We blame things on money, and, even more amazingly, we assign responsibility to money. Money seems to be responsible for ideas like “Rich people aren’t as nice as poor people” or “I always struggle with money”. The way these concepts are expressed makes it seem like money itself is the responsible party, and not the humans involved in the process.”
Worth and worthy. No mistake here. Notice how often we seem to tie our worthiness to our worth. We even speak of “self worth”
Credit. We use the word “credit” to imply validity and trustworthiness, even to give praise. And then there is that whole issue of your credit when it comes to how much you can borrow. Have credit cards changed the way we think of the word “credit”?
Broke. Here’s the big one, if you are broke, are you broken? Many people feel a direct connection here, as if being broke truly does make you a broken human being.