This recession underscores the harsh consequences of the failure to understand and respect the fundamental truths of the marketplace.
- real estate and stock markets are cyclical (they go up and down)
- the marketplace is constantly changing due to technology, demographics, economics and politics
"Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure." Confucius
Now is the time to prepare for the future. Life is not going to get easier, we need to learn to make it easier. We need to take the responsibility upon ourselves to learn and think and strategize and act powerfully. We cannot rely on someone else to figure it out and then “hope” that we fit into the plan.
The Aji Network – I have been in courses with them for 3 years and it has completely changed the way I think - http://www.theajinetwork.com/index.php
TED.com – source for tons of educational videos, all free - http://www.ted.com/
MIT OpenCourseWare – MIT has made available all of their curriculum for free - http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/home/home/index.htm
Insightful Magazines – most are fee now online – Fast Company, Inc, The Economist, Business Week,
Read Books – ask those around you that are successful what they are reading – libraries are still free!