Determined to reach my goals in multiple areas of my life, I decided account-ability would provide me the kick I needed. I talked to a good friend and my brother to hold me accountable in different areas.
In the business part of life I committed to being in the office by 7am everyday, planning my night the day before so I have clear, prioritized direction, and lastly I committed to workout everyday this week. I chose a consequence that would be painful enough to get the action I needed. My love language is the Benjamin Franklin. I owe a $100 bill for everyday I do not meet the three commitments I made.
As you might guess, I am 3 for 3 since our meeting!
My brother and I are meeting in Vegas in 45 days with our families for some sun and pool time. We committed last night to a "fitness duel-off". We will determine the winner by a combination of things like measurements, percentage improvement, and who looks best with their shirt off by the pool. This means I have to lay off of my straight Coca-Cola diet and drink more water and choose healthy meal choices. It means that I will need to really hit it hard in the gym and not just assume that by being around others who are fit and sweaty that it will rub off on me.
At times it seems pathetic that I need to play these games to get where I want to go in life, but I have learned through experience that I am not able to push myself hard enough on my own.
Stephen Covey said it best when he said, "Accountability breeds responsibility".
Is there somewhere in your life that you could work with to push eachother to be your best self?