
Now What?

After yesterdays post on "How Much Should You Be Saving Annually" you probably realize how much you underestimated the amount of money needed to invest to live in retirement. As I see it, three options arise:

  1. Increase current income – if you are going to be a passive investor, you are bound by the economic factors of 8% annual return, 3% inflation, and 4% withdrawal rate, you simply must earn more money to allow for today’s requirements and tomorrow’s future
  2. Become an active investor – if 8% won’t get you there, you must learn different strategies for netting a higher return. Real estate or investing in businesses could be an option.
  3. Build a business – one of the great advantages of being self-employed is the autonomy you have to build something of residual value. When you are an employee, in most cases, you work for today’s wages and the day you retire your income stops. By building a business, you open the door to producing an asset that could be sold at retirement for a lump sum payment or residual income.

Most likely, any of the options above are going to require more knowledge than you currently have. The good news is that with the internet, almost all of what you need is at your fingertips and much of it is free.

Begin by talking with people you know who have already reached their financial goals with a fully funded retirement. Discover how they did it. Get to know others who are on their way and figure out what they are doing. Read some good books, go to some classes and seminars to increase your understanding of these options.

What you should not do is:

  1. keep doing what you are doing
  2. keep hanging out with the same people who are also not on track
  3. keep reading the same things you have been reading
  4. keep watching the same things you have been watching
  5. keep spending your time doing the same things you have been doing

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”  ~Victor Frankl

“If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.”  ~Mary Engelbreit