The total net worth of Americans was $51.5 trillion as of 12/31/08, down 18% in the last year, reaching its lowest level since 9/30/05 (source: Federal Reserve).
Those numbers seem low considering the Case Shiller home price index has dropped 16.7% in the last 12 months and the S & P is down 40.97% over the last year.
Whether it is 18% or more, new action must come from it. Some will live more frugally. Some will delay retirement indefinitely. Some will realize the job they are in simply will not provide them the income they will need to live the life they want and will go out and start new businesses. Some will begin investing in new ways.
What is your plan? How much net worth have you lost? How will you make it up? How much money do you need at retirement to live the life you desire? How about to maintain the current lifestyle you have?
Now is the time to build the strategy. Now is the time to take action. What has worked in the past will not work in the future. Time has elapsed and market dynamics have changed. A new philosophy for wealth accumulation must be built sooner than later.