Journalists are paid by advertisers. Advertisers pay for high traffic and big viewership/readership. The more people the journalists can get to pay attention to what they are saying the more ads they can sell and the more money they make. They know that they are in the entertainment business. If they can trigger a mood of worry, we will keep coming back for more.
Politicians are paid by the American people. The masses. If everything is great, then we will feel like we do not need their help. So it is in their best interest to dramatize a situation with scary language so that we feel vulnerable and afraid, and they can come to the rescue like a knight in shining armor. Here to save the day and give everyone money.
Walking around in a state of worry and fear will never allow you to think clearly which is exactly what is needed in a changing environment. Just as past expansions inevitably set up future contractions, the present contraction is setting up our future expansion. Of course the ones who will be poised to take advantage of it will be the ones thinking clearly now.
Opportunities abound. In a year or two the stories will start to come out about the visionary, courageous people who thought clearly and created powerful business offers in the midst of the firestorm. Why can’t you be one of them? You can bet I am working on mine.