Commuting from one appointment to another yesterday I tuned in to the Dan Patrick Show in an attempt to catch some March Madness talk. Roy Williams, head coach of number one seeded North Carolina and one of the all time winningest coaches in NCAA basketball history, was being interviewed.
He was asked the poll question of the day which had something to do with "if you would miss the Super Bowl or not". He answered by saying yes he would, but that it may not mean much coming from him as last year was the first year in many, many years that he has watched the entire game. I was shocked as I thought the Super Bowl was the one sporting event that attracted even non-sports fans.
When pressed by Dan Patrick, Roy Williams explained that four hours is a huge block of time and that he cannot justify spending that much time watching a game when he has so many things he could be doing that time of year.
What became apparent to me is that Roy Williams is so busy pursuing his own dreams and goals, that he doesn’t have time to watch others pursuing theirs. No wonder some people are wildly successful and most aren’t even close.
I was reminded of a quote I keep on my desk:
“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” – Steve Prefontaine