A couple of years ago a wise, old, financial mentor of mine said to me after reviewing my financials, “I am very impressed. You have built up quite a net worth at a young age and are on a path to go far in life. However, if there is any advice I could give you it is that cash is king!”

Stocks and bonds (at home and abroad) have had their prices slashed dramatically this year:
Dow Jones Industrial Average -- over 35% down
Nasdaq -- over 40% down
S & P 500 -- over 40% down
Emerging Market Stocks -- almost 60% down
REITS -- over 40% down
1. Don’t get greedy when everything is racing up – remember Nordstrom has the Twice Yearly
2. Take money off the table - it is not necessary to go all in, every hand. get comfortable with the coffers full of cash, poised for the next big sale
3. They are called cycles for a reason – prices go up and prices come down, round and round they go. be a buyer in the down cycle
4. Be a contrarian!
5. Start now - now is the time to begin preparing for the next great opportunity. be a student now. build your wealth habits now.