
He Lives Vicariously Through Himself

In watching some NBA playoffs the last couple of weeks, a line in a commercial caught my eye. In this commercial for Dos Equis, they are trying to portray an old(er) man as the most "Interesting Man in the World". He is so cool that "he once had an awkward experience, just to know what it felt like." That is not the line that grabbed my attention but helps you understand the image they were creating. They go on to tell you as he is jousting with someone that "he lives vicariously through himself." Sounds ridiculous at first.

As I have thought about it and reflected on it, I really like it.

Too many in our society are living vicariously through someone else. They do it through Desperate Housewives, American Idol, NBA Basketball (my weakness), US Weekly, romance novels, Guitar Hero and blogs. The list goes on. I speculate that they do it because it is more interesting than their own life and it takes great focus and emotional energy to create a good life for yourself.

The most successful people I know and admire actually do live vicariously through themselves. They do it by spending their hours becoming their best selves. This could be in their career, with their spouse and children, competing physically, and by serving those around them in need.

The very act of watching other people live their "good life" robs us of the precious time we need to create our own. I have begun the process of observing those around me who are successful, interesting and happy to see what percentage of time they spend living vicariously through others and how much through themselves. So far, it is pretty obvious why some peoples lives are far more interesting, fulfilling and more enjoyable to watch.

"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of." - Benjamin Franklin